A 2017 report by Pew Research Center revealed that 90% of teenagers and young adults, and 65% of adults are active social media users. Latest data shows 88% of individuals 18 to 29 years of age are using several social media sites.
While social media sites are sharing platforms and a source of infotainment, college graduates and employers are now leveraging its power. These days, it’s common for employers and job seekers alike to spend an ample amount of time on social media sites to boost their hiring efforts.
Today, one of the most important tools in terms of looking for employment in South Africa and even abroad especially for college graduates is social media. In order to expand their job search, graduates turn to postings from companies and set up notifications to instantly find career opportunities and openings. Social media profiles and postings also allow them to look closely into a potential employer.
In the same manner, several social media sites now enable companies and employers to conduct background checks on their applicants’ profiles. An applicant’s credentials and job interview results just don’t cut it anymore. Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn posts, for example, have become a revolutionary tool, changing the way companies view and ultimately choose their employees.
Companies and Employers
Evidently, companies utilize social media sites for promotions and marketing, enabling the audience to find significant information on their products and services. Social media sites are also a medium informing job seekers about current job openings. Employers that use social media for recruitment purposes are able to target a broader market of potential candidates for their job positions.
Research revealed that 65% of companies said that social media posts have helped them research thoroughly on their applicants’ qualifications. Some 51% of them utilize these public posts to check if the applicant is appropriate for a certain position or is flexible enough to adjust to the work environment and culture of the company.
College Graduates
Every college graduate would want to get hired by a top-paying, reputable company. Mind you, it may be a good thing to assume the best in your career but you need to do the work. But times have changed. Your overwhelming credentials and impressive answers during the interview aren’t the be-all and end-all of landing a job. The standards have gone way beyond passing your actual work application with flying colors.
In the case of college graduates, social media is regarded as a useful tool for showcasing their portfolio of achievements, skills, and abilities. Generally, social media posting is recommended for college graduates who want to make a good first impression for clients and companies. College graduates who post regarding their volunteer work on certain non-profit organizations are also at an advantage. A social media profile can also reveal mutual connections with company employees and affiliates.
Dangers of Social Media Posts
According to research, 34% of employers say social media sites have helped them decide whether or not to shortlist their applicants for specific job positions. Social media posts have allowed them to filter candidates based on the content of their online profiles. Companies take an applicant’s conduct on social media seriously; showing behavior that is uncalled for can make or break their hiring potential.
Some companies also have a specific code of conduct that needs to be strictly observed and followed. These companies have a written contract that explains what type of social media behavior is allowed. Going against the terms and conditions of this ethical code of conduct may significantly reduce your chances of getting hired in a reputable company.